A message to me, ... after a long time

I don't think I like this word 'modernization'. It has with its tide submerged all the beauties of the past, letters being one. How I wished to open the red cylindrical post box hoping 'If I could get a letter from it'. It was desirable thing to see others receiving letters and reading it, then posting a reply. I actually used to wonder how a letter with a stamp on it could travel to distant places. 

When I could write something sensible, I enjoyed writing letters and posting it as much as receiving it. I would imagine the sender of writing it with care, each word carrying their effort and sincerity. 

I have chits from my father when I was in 7th or 8th standards. They are stored in my box given when I joined in Yadhi LSS (then), a boarding school. I even received a letter from him during my first year at Sherubtse College. He mentioned about how a son of Dzongkha language teacher should behave and also about keeping my hair short. I felt that the letter was an open heart of my dear father. I used to frequently open the letter and when I did that, my body would always experience a pacifying shudder. I would miss him, and then family. 

One specialty about the letter from my father is that it is something unusual between us. He is a stringent disciplinarian. We talk very less; unless necessary, we won't have conservation. I cannot remember of having conversation at length. So, to have a letter from him is very unusual because I didn't expect of it. 

That was the last letter I received.

Few months earlier, I found my juvenile brother getting absorbed in Facebook. I worried he would get addicted that he would miss greater picture of this beautiful world. So, I left him a message. 
Few days later, there was a notification that there is a message from him. I presumed it to be 'hi or how are u doing'. 

But, there was a long message. I read it and it melted my heart. It read: 

"Sorry bro, i just loged in today night just to say good bye. 

I don't know what to say other then this. Any ways thank you for giving me a full support from the day i was born till i knew everything about this age. You have been there for me just like our charming and thankful mom. I know i would have misbehaved infront of you, so i'm really sorry for that. From now on i'll be very carefull and i'll try to fullfill your hope. 

I cry, i laugh and i stay happy just because of you. You are the only brother that i love, care, trust and miss a lot then any other. I promise i'll be a good boy and one day i'll be infront of you giving my good result wit a thankful handshake to you. I'll bring the charming smile in our family and be happy forever. I'll be missing you so much my adorable brother. 

Please do take care of yourself and do your job well. My life is unsatisfied without you. Sometimes i also feels like i can't live without you. I'll be missing you so much bro. 

If you don't mind, please block my facebook, i thought of doing by my self but i'm not using the orginal installed fb, its a deplicate fb so its not working by own. So please you do it for me. 

Bye and stay well and also tell your angel karma to be well. Bye bye bro. Love you always............... 

With love, your bro Sonam Dawa." 

I smiled at the message, I missed him a lot more. I even shared tears with him before. I feel I can always connect to him very well. 

I suddenly wished 'What would have been the feeling to read the same message sent as letter?' I answered to myself: 'I would have cried'. He never wrote to me and his first letter with that message would have definitely made me miss him and read it over and over again.


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